Monday, September 16, 2013

Chapter 2: Strategic Planning for Competitive Advantage

                 A marketing plan is essential to a company's strategic planning. Aiming to make the company stand out, Steve Jobs and the Apple company's marketing plan proceeded to sport an image that was superior and "cooler" than the rest of their competition. Their campaign was designed to be descriptive on what their products are and how they are unique in comparison to the rest. The shed a spotlight on their better hardware, software, better operating system, and better support plus Macs compatibility to run Windows and Windows applications. In other words, straight to the point; this scheme garnered the people's trust and think of them as such an outstanding company. Now, Apple didn't just mention how great they were, they made themselves appealing to the people with the use of their super cool and memorable "ipod People Silhouettes" that were shown in just about any place people could notice.

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