Monday, December 2, 2013

Chapter 7: Business Marketing

    Products produced by Apple have not particularly marketed towards the business and commercial market. In this aspect, Microsoft is more often considered the preferred business brand, whereas Apple has been more generally accepted among the general population. Apple products do, however, continue to increase in popularity and have consistently been in high demand. After introducing the iPad, businesses seem to have taken a liking to it's portability and wide array of web-based applications, slowly being favored over Windows office applications and computers. With a sleek and user-friendly interface, Apple's operating system on tablets is steadily establishing it's place in the workplace.

     Today we can observe a change in Apple's approach with marketing it's devices, the iPad in particular. Each new model of the iPad is built lighter and more powerful in order to handle heavier workloads when multitasking, which is common in a workplace. It is becoming more common to see businesses, both big and small, utilizing iPads, and even tablets in general, to organize and perform tasks that would otherwise require them to stay put in front of a desktop computer. The speed of the user interface and web app convenience has become one of the greatest selling points of the iPad in the business market, because time is money.

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